Hassan of Tamnougalt: A Guardian of Morocco’s Heritage

by | Sep 25, 2024 | Moroccan People | 0 comments

In the heart of the Draa Valley lies the village of Tamnougalt, a place rich in history, culture, and resilience. It’s here that Hassan, a man deeply rooted in his community, works tirelessly to preserve the heritage of this extraordinary village. For visitors, a day with Hassan is more than just a tour—it’s an invitation to step back in time and experience the soul of Morocco through the eyes of a local.

Tamnougalt: The Meeting Place

Tamnougalt, meaning “Meeting Place” in the Amazigh language, is one of the oldest ksars in the Draa Valley and was once the capital of the Mezguita tribe. Lying on the outskirts of the desert, it was a vital hub for caravans traveling between the Sahara and other parts of Africa. At its peak, Tamnougalt was home to around 300 families, including a vibrant Jewish community of at least 35 families.

Today, the remains of the Tamnougalt Kasbah, dating back to the 16th century, stand as a testament to this rich past. Its maze-like structure includes the original caid’s office, family living quarters, and even a 16th-century hammam. The ksar once played a crucial role in defending the Draa Valley from tribal invasions. Walking through its narrow corridors, you can almost hear the echoes of its history.

a 16th-century Kasbah des Caids in Tamnougalt seen from the outside with a mountain in the background


Meet Hassan: The Heart of Tamnougalt

Ait Elcaid Elhassan, known as Hassan, is the seventh-generation guardian of Tamnougalt’s heritage. His family has long been entrusted with the care of this historic village, and Hassan carries this legacy with a deep sense of responsibility. If there’s a family in need, Hassan is the first to offer help. When the recent earthquake struck, he organized support for those overlooked by government aid. His charitable heart and commitment to his community are at the core of everything he does.

Hassan has also founded the Tamnougalt Association for Heritage Preservation, dedicated to safeguarding the village’s unique history and architecture. He passionately believes in protecting the cultural treasures left to him by his ancestors. When asked about this life-long work, Hassan said: 

“My grandfathers left me a unique heritage with GREAT responsibilities, a significant 500-year-old Kasbah in south-eastern Morocco, in the Draa Valley. It was an important administrative and residential Kasbah for leaders of the tribe.

Built mainly with stones, straw, and earth it was left in a vulnerable state. Apart from its strategic importance, the Kasbah is noted for its historic architectural influences – Roman, Moorish Arabic, Andalusian, and Berber.

I cannot let it crumble.


The Struggle to Preserve History

In the summer of 2022, Hassan faced a critical challenge. A primary exterior wall of the kasbah began pulling away from the main structure, creating cracks that worsened over time. The damage was due to a neighboring kasbah’s wall collapsing during flooding, which weakened Hassan’s kasbah. He quickly took action, rebuilding the damaged wall as a double wall to prevent future issues if the neighbor decides to reconnect to his kasbah.

Such efforts require significant resources, and while Hassan continues his work with passion and dedication, financial support is always welcome to help maintain this important piece of Moroccan history.


Experiencing Tamnougalt with Hassan

For visitors to Tamnougalt, a day spent with Hassan is an opportunity to see the real Morocco. He guides guests through the winding alleys of the ancient ksar, sharing stories of its past and explaining the unique folklore of the Draa Valley. Here, folklore is more than just tales—it’s a cultural expression involving song, dance, and even swordplay. Imagine a group of men singing about love, war, and faith, accompanied by rhythmic drumming and energetic dancing. It’s a vibrant display of local culture that truly brings Tamnougalt to life.

You’ll also get to explore the Kasbah des Caids, a stunning example of traditional Moroccan architecture, and enjoy a meal on a terrace with breathtaking views. The hospitality here is genuine, and Hassan ensures every guest feels like a part of the community.

The Spirit of Giving: Supporting Hassan’s Efforts

Hassan’s dedication to preserving the heritage of Tamnougalt is nothing short of inspiring. For those who wish to support his efforts, consider making a donation to help with the ongoing restoration work. Every contribution helps keep this vital piece of Moroccan history alive for future generations. Get in touch with us to learn how you can support Hassan, and follow Hassan on his Instagram profile to see how his work progresses.

Why Visit Tamnougalt?

Tamnougalt offers a unique glimpse into Morocco’s rich past, far from the well-trodden tourist paths. It’s a place where you can experience the warmth and hospitality of local life while learning about the deep cultural roots that make Morocco so special. A visit to Tamnougalt with Hassan as your host is more than just a day trip; it’s an unforgettable journey into the heart of Moroccan heritage.

Join us at Open Doors Morocco for a tailor-made tour that includes Tamnougalt and other hidden gems in the Draa Valley. Experience the beauty, culture, and stories of Morocco with local hosts like Hassan who bring history to life.

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