Know Before You Go: Tipping in Morocco

Know Before You Go: Tipping in Morocco

I have a love - hate relationship with tipping, especially in developing countries. In the case of Morocco, the west is responsible for bringing the custom to the country. While I agree that tipping can be positive in that it recognizes a job well done. I've also seen...

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Know Before you Go: Using Moroccan Dirham

Know Before you Go: Using Moroccan Dirham

So you've gotten your customized Morocco tour arranged. Flights are purchased. The dog is booked at the kennel. You've started packing. One final thought occurs to you... What about spending money in Morocco? Since this is one of the most commonly asked questions, I...

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15 Reasons to Visit Morocco

15 Reasons to Visit Morocco

There are numerous reasons to visit Morocco. I've made a short list here to be used for vacation planning in Morocco. I invite others to add additional thoughts in the comments. 1. Moroccan People I refer to Morocco as the largest small town in the world. There are no...

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10 Rules for Climbing Moroccan Kasbahs

10 Rules for Climbing Moroccan Kasbahs

Kasbahs are amazing ancient, crumbling buildings that were built for defense in North Africa.  Another word for kasbah is fortress.  Kasbahs were built with high walls, usually without windows.  Ruins are dotted throughout southern Morocco.  For me, they hold a...

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10 Reasons to Travel with Open Doors Morocco

10 Reasons to Travel with Open Doors Morocco

Why travel with Open Doors Morocco over other organizations?  Find out how we go about tourism a little differently than the norm. 1. Our Tours are led by local hosts. Our hosts are far more than guides or drivers. They know their country best, and they love sharing...

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Nancy grew up in the American Midwest and consider Morocco my second home. She is the first to tell you that a trip to Morocco is an amazing life transforming experience. About Nancy & Open Doors Morocco

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