With Open Arms
Misadventures in Morocco
by: Mathew Felix
Published By: Solificatio
Release Date: Jan 01, 1970
Type(s): Paperback, Audiobook, Kindle
When Matthew had to renew his European visa, his point of exit was obvious: he was going to Morocco. Memories of his previous trip filled him with anxiety. What was he thinking? After everything that had happened, did he really want to go back? Scams. Altercations. Mishaps. But also humor and beauty. His curiosity overcoming his fears, his second trip would prove as unforgettable as the first. (Description from Amazon.com)
“I found myself captivated by these stories which immersed me in unfamiliar landscapes with poignancy, humor and admiration for the bravery of Matthew Félix to embrace the unknown. The writing is vivid and engaging. It’s a fresh take on travel writing. A wonderful read!” -Sarah Bee
“With Open Arms is a tasty and intriguing combination of grit, charm and snark. Matthew Felix captures the beautiful, the wild, the bizarre and the mundane with equal skill.” -Neal Szpatura
“Throughout this short book, the author’s love of life, love of humanity, and sometimes startling and almost childlike innocence is on full view, and illuminated by Felix’ near poetic phrasing and delight in the use of language.” -Amazon reviewer
About the Author:
Matthew Félix is an author and the host of Matthew Félix On Air, a live weekly video podcast.
Matthew has lived in San Francisco for more than 20 years. Adventure, humor, and spirituality infuse his work, which often draws on his time in Spain, France, and Turkey, as well as travels in over fifty countries.
Matthew’s debut novel, A Voice Beyond Reason, is the story of how a young Spaniard’s awakening to his intuition gets him out of his head, so he can follow his heart. Matthew’s travel-story collection, With Open Arms, recounts his humorous and harrowing experiences in Morocco. The collection has topped the Amazon Africa category, as well as the Morocco one three times.
Matthew’s latest collection, Porcelain Travels, recounts humor, horror, and revelation in, on, and around toilets, tubs, and showers encountered on his travels.
Matthew’s video podcast, Matthew Félix On Air, features guests discussing writing, travel, and whatever else piques Matthew’s interest, from spirituality to cultural happenings to any good story worth exploring. Matthew has also produced three podcasts based on his books.
When not working on writing projects or on the road, Matthew is likely to be found exploring the streets of San Francisco or hiking the trails of Northern California. matthewfelix.com (from Amazon.com)

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